
Cabinet and Drawer Management Policy

Policy Ref: CA_OAPolicy003-Cabinets_2024MAR-19


The Office of MBA Programmes


The Cabinet and Drawer Management Policy


  1. Policy Background


This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for staff members the MBA Programme Office (the “Office”) to securely manage and maintain the assigned cabinets and the cabinet keys within the Office. The policy aims to ensure the security, organization, and accessibility of stored items while minimizing the risk of unauthorized access, loss, or damage.


  1. Policy Guidelines


  1. Custodian Designation
  2. Designated cabinets and keys are assigned by Assistant Director of the Office (the “Assistant Director”) to designated staff members who are custodians responsible for the issuance, retrieval, and overall management of the cabinets and the keys.
  3. The updated assigned custodians will be announced by the Assistant Director through formal office notice to all staff members from time to time.


  1. Cabinet Management


  1. Team Cabinets and Personal Drawers:
    1. Team Cabinets are:
      1. larger, freestanding or wall-mounted storage units with multiple compartments, shelves, or drawers enclosed within a frame in the Office. They often have doors or panels that can be opened or closed to access the contents.
      2. storage units commonly used for working purposes, such as storing documents, office supplies, equipment, souvenirs, or other commonly used items, which are allowed to be assessed by the assigned staff members, assigned Team Head (assigned Executive Officer I of the Team), and Directors (Programme Director, Administrative Director, the Assistant Director) of the Office.
  • not allowed to keep any personal belongings or contents of any staff.
  1. Personal Drawers are:
    1. smaller and individual compartments that slide in and out of the workstations of the assigned staff members.
    2. are primarily used for organizing and storing smaller items, such as stationery, tools, or personal belongings. They are well-suited for items that benefit from individual compartmentalization and easy access.
  • only allowed to be assessable by the assigned staff members.
  1. Assignment and Key Management:
    1. Assignment:
      1. Each team cabinet shall be assigned by Administrative Director or the Assistant Director to a unique staff member and the designated Team Head (the “Team Head”). Staff members should keep the cabinets clean, well-maintained, and free from clutter. Regular inspections by the Office will be conducted to identify and address any maintenance issues promptly.
      2. Each personal drawer shall ONLY be assigned by Assistant Director to the staff member of the Workstation. It is the sole duty for the staff member to the safety, security and legal compliance of the drawer.
    2. Key Issuance:
      1. Team Cabinet keys shall only be issued to assigned staff member (as the key custodian), assigned Team Head (Executive Officer I), and the Assistant Director who are authorized personnel to have a legitimate need to access the contents of a specific cabinet. A documented record of key issuance shall be maintained by Central Administration, including details such as the date, time, recipient’s name, and purpose of key usage.
      2. Each Personal Drawer keys shall only be issued to one designated staff member (as the key custodian).
  • A comprehensive inventory of the items stored in each cabinet shall be maintained by a staff assigned by the Administrative Director or Assistant Director. The inventory should include a description of the items, their location within the cabinet, and any relevant identification numbers.
  1. Key Custodian and Storage:
    1. The key custodians shall ensure the security and integrity of the key inventory.
    2. keys shall be stored securely when not in use. The key custodians should ensure that keys are kept in a locked and tamper-evident storage container, such as a key cabinet or a secure drawer.
  • The key storage area should have restricted access and be limited to authorized personnel only.
  1. Regular audits of Team Cabinet keys will be conducted to ensure accountability and control.
  2. The key custodians should perform a physical count and verification of all issued keys against the record, ensuring that no discrepancies exist. Audits should be conducted at least annually or more frequently as deemed necessary by the Office’s security policies.
  3. The key custodian shall report immediately to the Administrative Director and Assistant Director if a cabinet key is lost, stolen, or compromised in any way.
  1. Key Retrieval:
    1. All keys shall be retrieved promptly from personnel who no longer require access due to job changes, transfers, or termination of employment. Personnel should return the keys to the designated key custodian.
    2. Staff members who are the key custodian will be responsible for the cost to reproduce the lost keys of any Personal Drawer.


  1. Policy Compliance and Consequences:
  2. Non-compliance with this policy may result in verbal or written human resources warnings, depending on the severity and frequency of the violations.
  3. All staff members are responsible for reporting any concerns or potential policy violations to their Team Head or the appropriate authorities.


Date: 19 March 2024


Drafted by:

  1. Louie Yan, Head of Office Centralization Task Force, the Office of the MBA Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Reviewed by:

  1. Roanne Law, Assistant Director, the Office of the MBA Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Endorsed by:

  1. Tony Koo, Administrative Director of the Office of MBA Programmes, Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


  1. Wan Wongsunwai, Associate Dean (MBA Programmes) and Programme Director of MBA Programme, Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  2. All Staff of the Office of MBA Programmes, Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



MBA Online Course Registration System Workshop Recording Resource

Dear all,

The Hands-On Workshop of the MBA Online Course Registration System was successfully held on Monday, 26 February 2024, please find below the recording link for your information and recap –

Passcode: ugUNQ@2t

Best regards,

Communications & Stakeholder Engagement Team


Staff Support and Participation in Japan Study Tour

Doc Ref: CUMBA_CA_HRPractice_Tour_28Feb2024.docx

Dear all EOII and PCI/PCII Staff,

We would like to invite your application to be our “MBA Staff Ambassador” for the coming study tour to “Japan Study Tour” as organized by our students.

  1. The new HR Scheme

“Developing HR practices to cultivate the Right Culture for retaining the Right Talents” is one of the 12 Strategic Actions outlined in our 5 Strategic Roadmap, which aims to achieve 3 Strategic Hallmarks for our MBA Office by 2024 and 2025.

As part of this dynamic initiative, we are pleased to introduce our new HR scheme, “Enhancing Engagement and Contribution: Study Tours and Study Trips“, which aims to encourage your contribution and participation in our upcoming study tours and study trips.

  1. Objectives of the Scheme:
    1. Promoting Staff-Student Collaboration: By participating in our study tours and study trips, staff members will have the valuable opportunity to collaborate directly with our students, sharing their expertise and insights to enhance the students’ educational journey.
    2. Facilitating On-the-Job Learning: By joining our study tours and study trips, staff members will have the chance to undergo job experience enlargement and on-the-job learning alongside the students during the tours and trips. This will also foster mutual learning, benefiting both staff and students.
    3. Diversifying Contributing to the MBA Programme: Involvement in study tours and study trips will enable staff members to make diversified and recognized HR contributions to the development of our MBA Programme.
  • Scheme Details:
    1. The Tour: The upcoming tour is the “Japan Study Tour” organized by our Student Club, scheduled to take place from March 28th to March 30th, 2024.
    2. Eligibility: All EOII and PCII staff members who have completed their probation period are welcome to apply.
    3. Application Process: To express your interest in participating, please submit a testimonial in a PPT format, limited to a maximum of 2 pages, to our Assistant Director, Ms. Roanne Law (, by 5:00 PM on March 7th, 2024. The testimonial should cover the following points:
  • Your contributions within your team over the last 3-6 months.
  • How you believe your involvement will contribute to both your own learning experience and the students’ learning experience.
  1. Selection Criteria: Final participants will be selected based on:
  • the testimonial submitted (40%), as judged by our Assistant Director (Roanne Law); and
  • performance grading from your present and future supervising EOI (Karen for CA; Angie for CSE; Albert Yip for M&A; and Claire Yuan for SLD) (40%).
    1. Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Staff members selected to participate will be assigned specific roles and responsibilities for the tour or trip.
  • The scheduled time of the tour or trip, as provided by the MBA Office, including the day of scheduled departure and the last day of the tour, will be considered as working days (no OT arrangement for any schedule out of office hours).


  1. Expenses and Logistics: The MBA Office will cover the necessary expenses related to travel, accommodation, and meals during the study tours and study trips. Detailed information regarding logistics and travel arrangements will be provided to selected staff members by Roanne Law.

If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Roanne Law.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication and commitment to our MBA program. We look forward to your involvement in this new Japan Study Tour of the HR scheme.


Best regards,

Roanne Law

Assistant Director, the Office of MBA Programme


p.s.: We would like to inform you that we will be conducting another round of selection for the Study Trip to Warwick. This selection process will primarily consider the performance of staff members during the months of March to April/May. All staff at EOI level or above are eligible to apply.


(Ref: RL/TK)


Update on SLD Team Arrangement

Dear SLD colleagues, members of Office Administrative Leadership Team, and OA Task Force Head,

More and more new forces will join SLD in these two weeks and I expect we will have 60-70% full team by Feb and 70-80% full team by this March. Right now, Three issues that require your attention and support are as follows:

  1. Minor Academic Matters:
    1. Change of Delegation:
      1. Effective from January 23, 2024, I will change my delegation of all endorsements for Minor Academic Matters to Annissa Chan, who will assist me in managing the work of Course Heads (as Acting Course Heads).
    2. Procedures:
      Overall: Students 🡪 Class Heads 🡪  SAA (Shirley) 🡪 Annissa’s endorsement 🡪 SAA 🡪 Class Heads
      1. Annissa will handle the endorsements initially, and I will provide my endorsement afterwards.
      2. Please note the followings:
        • Annissa should provide me and Prof. Wan with a monthly summary of all approved cases. The first summary should be submitted in the first week of February. Alison Gao should pass all previously approved cases to Annissa so that she can prepare for this monthly summary.
        • All applications from students should be submitted by Class Heads (currently Alison Gao) to SAA (Shirley) for Annissa’s endorsement (for some cases also needs my endorsements as judged by Annissa). Annissa should pass endorsed applications to Shirley (who updates student records) and SAA to Alison Gao (who informs students).
  2. Roles of Florence, May, Shirley:
    1. Florence and May:
      1. from now to mid/ end of this Feb:
        • Florence will serve as a part-time employee to assist with AAA’s work and provide support to Annissa for Course Heads.
        • Florence will also be taking care of TEAMUP Calendar.
      2. By the mid of Feb:
        • May will join us as a new PCII* (see diagram at the email appendix) to support Acting Course Heads (Annissa) and Class Heads (Alison Gao). At that time, Florence will then focus all her works to support AAA (playing part of the role of PCII** (see diagram of the appendix)).
    2. Shirley:
      • The role of Shirley (as a temp for the role of PCII for SAA) is still supporting SAA and reporting to me (as acting EOI for Student Affairs).
      • When the new EOI reports duty, the PCII for SAA will report to her. Please note that this new PCII will also support new EOII at SDE. We expect a significant increase in student engagement and development when the new EOI will report on duty. 
  3. A temporary staff member, Elizabeth, will assume her duties starting tomorrow. Her key roles will be as follows:
    1. Role of Elizabeth (a temp for 2 months):
      1. 30% – 40%: Supporting Alison Gao in checking classroom facilities for both full-time and part-time classes.
      2. 60% -70%: Reporting to Annissa (at this aspect, Annissa is playing the role as Assistant to SLD – AD) and providing support for team office administration, as well as performing secretarial tasks assigned by Annissa. Annissa should assign her some office administration works (including her all SLD staff for finance reimbursement matters; and office filling relocation issues).
    2. Others:
      1. Thus, Elizabeth is mainly reporting to Annissa. But, Annissa as to assure her to provide supports for Classroom Facilities Checking to Alison Gao.
      2. Please note that Elizabeth will report duty on every Sunday (mainly for helping Alison Gao).
      3. The future arrangement will be designed by new EOI.

Appendix for reminding – Structure of SLD:


Procedures of General Administrative Affairs – Duty Trip


This procedure is to establish a clear and efficient process for MBA staff as well as teaching staff to deal with matters in relation to duty trips, in compliance with the policies and regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. This procedure aims to ensure that all duty trips are recorded accurately, air tickets as well as hotel accommodation are confirmed in a timely manner, and relevant expenses are paid/reimbursed according to the appropriate procedures.


The following practice is adoptable to duty trip application for MBA staff as well as teaching staff with effect from 14 July 2023 onward until further notice.


1. Preparing the form “Record of Duty Trip” by applicant (MBA staff/teaching staff)

1.1. Read Chapter B16 “Duty Trips and Per Diem Allowance” of the Staff Handbook and complete the form “Record of Duty Trip”.

1.2. Submit the completed form together with the appropriate supporting documents (i.e. invitation email, programme and itinerary of the trip, course outline, etc.) to the respective team’s Office Administration Team Coordinator (“OA Coordinator”) at least 4 weeks prior to the start day of duty trip.

1.3. The OA Coordinator checks and passes the completed form and supporting documents to Central Administration (CA) team for seeking endorsement of budget holders/their delegates and approval of Dean.
NOTE: For teaching staff, the OA Coordinator needs to send the completed form and supporting documents to the Department Chair/School Director for endorsement before forwarding to the CA team.

1.4. After the endorsement of budget holders/their delegates and approval of Dean, CA team scans and emails the whole set of documents to the respective OA Coordinator for follow up.
NOTE: For teaching staff, the OA Coordinator needs to email the approved form and supporting documents to the teaching staff for record.

1.5. CA team inputs the record of approved duty trip and uploads the scanned file into CUPIS for the MBA staff concerned and keeps the original record form and supporting documents in the respective employee folder.

2. Confirming the purchase of air ticket via Corporate Travel Management Limited (CTM) by the OA Coordinator after the Record of Duty Trip has been approved.

2.1. From 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024, for the price of air ticket from HK$15,000 to HK$30,000:
A Direct Purchase Order (“DPO”) is required by the CTM. A DPO can be issued immediately in CUSAP for seeking the endorsement of budget holders/their delegates. Then the OA Coordinator sends the endorsed DPO to CTM for issuance of air ticket.

2.2. From 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2024, for the price of air ticket exceeding HKD30,000:
The OA Coordinator is required to prepare an Expenditure Application (“EA”) in CUSAP for seeking the endorsement of budget holders/their delegates. The OA Coordinator sends the endorsed EA to Ms. Kaisiu Leung (Business Unit) for Business Unit’s approval. An approval email will be sent to the OA Coordinator after the EA has been approved. Then, the OA Coordinator can download the DPO endorsed by Business Unit via the EA application and send to CTM for issuance of air ticket.

3. Purchasing of hotel accommodation after the Record of Duty Trip has been approved

3.1. If hotel accommodation is covered by sponsorship or separately paid for, the per diem allowance payable will be reduced to 40% of the full per diem rate.

3.2. If the MBA staff/teaching staff, instead of staying in a hotel, is provided with free accommodation by a friend, relative, lives in his/her own hours, etc., the allowance payable will be reduced to 60% of the full per diem rate.

3.3. For the purchase cost up to HK$15,000, no quotation is required. Direct purchase order or direct invoice is applicable.

3.4. For the purchase cost over HK$15,000, the university ordering and tender procedures published at the website of Finance Office should be followed.

3.5. A quick reference guide is shown below:

Quick Reference Guide
Purchase Cost (HKD) Procedures/ Approval Authorities
Up to $15,000 1. Quotation comparison not mandatory
2. Direct Purchase Order
AA: D/U Head or BH
$15,001 – $30,000 1. Minimum 2 competitive verbal quotations + Quotation Sheet + E.A. e-form
2. Refer to Procedure (A) for details
AA: D/U Head or BH + BU
$30,001 – $150,000 1. Minimum 3 competitive verbal quotations + Quotation Sheet + E.A. e-form
2. Refer to Procedure (A) for details
AA: D/U Head or BH + BU
$150,001 – $500,000 1. Minimum 3 competitive written quotations through Request for Quotations (“RFQ”) dispatched by BU through email
2. D/U to submit Forms for RFQ to BU
3. RFQ email box opens at 10:00 a.m. on working days
4. BU to forward opened quotations to D/U for recommendation
5. D/U to assess quotations and raise E.A. e-form
6. Refer to Procedure (B) for details
AA: D/U Head or BH + BU
Above $500,000
but under Open Tender Thresholds
1. Tender exercise to invite a minimum of 4 suppliers unless impracticable
2. D/U to submit Forms for Tender Invitation to BU
3. Tender box opens on Tuesday and Thursday at 2:30 p.m. on working days
4. BU to forward opened tender submissions to D/U for recommendation
5. D/U to assess tender submissions and return recommendation to TB Secretary via BU for follow up
6. For purchases of goods, BU to post the invitation to CUHK Procurement System (“CUPro”) for open tendering
7. Refer to Procedure (C) for details
AA: D/U Head + TB
Open Tender Thresholds:

General services: Over $1.4M
Consultancy services: Over $3M
Services for construction and engineering works: Over $5M
1. D/U to submit Forms for Tender Invitation
2. After BU confirms posting of open tender invitation (via CUHK Procurement System (“CUPro”)), D/U can separately notify suppliers whom they know about the open tender posting
3-7. Same as above
AA: D/U Head + TB

Supplementary Notes to the Procedures

1. User Guides and Video Demonstrations for preparation of DPO and EA via CUSAP can be found in CUSAP.

2. All oversea trips (including trips to Mainland China) as well as overseas travelling expenses must be approved by Dean.

3. All the overseas travelling expenses should be reimbursed on an actual expense basis and capped at the full per diem entitlement.

3.1. The daily subsistence allowance can be referred to the “Rates of subsistence allowance outside Hong Kong

3.2. Supportable items for air ticket and transportation: direct flight economy return airfare, airport tax, inter-city public transportation and transportation from/to Hong Kong airport.

3.3. Accommodation and out of pocket expenses should be incurred from the night before the commencement of official duty to the night immediately after the end of official activities, excluding those days for excursions or sightseeing.

4. The approved form “Record of Duty Trip” should be one of the supporting documents for purchase of air ticket and hotel accommodation; and the reimbursement of overseas travelling expenses.

5. Appropriate supporting documents are required for reimbursement of overseas travelling expenses:

5.1. Proof of goods/services purchased: original supplier invoice, etc.

5.2. Proof of Payment: original boarding pass, flight itinerary, original hotel accommodation invoice and official receipt, original official receipts of out of pocket expenses, copies of credit card slip/bank statement (only for the particular transaction shown), invitation email, programme and itinerary of the trip, participant list, etc.

6. For travelling from/to Hong Kong airport by private vehicle, the travelling expenses should be claimed by completing the form “Reimbursement of Local Travelling Expenses Claim”.


Establishment of “Office Centralization Task Force”

  In accordance with “The Policy of Office Administration Centralization on General Administrative Affairs (Policy Ref: CA_OAPolicy001-Administration/2023JUL-07)” dated 7 July 2023, the Office Centralization Task Force (the “OC Task Force”) was established on 7 July 2023 at the Office of MBA Programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (the “Office”).

  The role of the “OC Task Force” is to develop and frame the efficient and effective GAF-related (General Administrative Affairs) procedural workflows, requirements, and practices (the “Procedures”) common for all colleagues to adopt without violating any policies and regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The Membership Composition and Terms of Reference of the “OC Task Force” are given in Annex 1.

Central Administration, the Office of MBA Programmes

13 July 2023

Annex 1


The Office of MBA Programmes

Office Centralization Task Force

Terms of Reference

1. To meet periodically to develop, review and improve the GAF-related (General Administrative Affairs) procedural workflows, requirements, and practices (the “Procedures”) for day-to-day general office administration logistics of the Office of MBA Programmes of the Faculty of Business Administration of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (the “Office”), covering areas such as Finance, Personnel, Office Supplies, and other general administrative affairs. The meetings will take place every two weeks on Monday for the first six months from July to December of 2023, or alternatively as scheduled by the OC Task Force.

2. To ensure that all colleagues of the Office adopt a common set of Procedures for their daily operations, in order for the Office to function efficiently and effectively.

3. To monitor the compliance of the Procedures with the requirements, policies, and regulations of the Faculty of Business Administration and The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

4. To produce and submit, in December of each year, an “Office Administration Handbook” to the Director and Administrative Director of the Office, covering all the Procedures developed by the Task Force.

5. To disseminate any responsibilities related to the Office’s general administrative affairs that the Director and/or Administrative Director may assign from time to time.


Membership Composition 2023/2024 Membership List
Project Head Central Administration Karen CHUNG E0 I
Project Head and Secretary Communication and Stakeholder Engagement (To be established) Yan LOUIE PC II
Members Communication and Stakeholder Engagement (To be established) Angie SO EO II
Central Administration Rachelle CHENG PC II
Marketing and Admissions Annisa CHEUNG PC II
Student Learning and Development Fion LEE PC II
Student Learning and Development Regina TSUI PC I

Meeting Schedules and Discussion Items for the first Four Meeting

Meeting Schedules
  • Meeting 1: 10 July 2023, 15:00 – 16:00
  • Meeting 2: 24 July 2023, 15:00 – 16:00
  • Meeting 3: 7 August 2023, 15:00 – 16:00
  • Meeting 4: 21 August 2023, 15:00 – 16:00
Discussion Items
  • Meeting 1: Duty trip (air ticketing and travel expenses reimbursement)
  • Meeting 2: Reimbursement to external parties / staff / students
  • Meeting 3: Souvenir sourcing and procurement
  • Meeting 4: Personnel matters for student helper / part-time staff