MBA Connect
April 2014
Success through CSR Innovation
The 8th Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Conference

Date: May 28th, 2014 (Wednesday)
Time: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC)

Herman KAM,
The President of CSR Committee

1. What impressed you most during your team work in the CSR Committee?

I was really impressed with the diverse set of professional experience each one of our members were able to bring to the table. Our team members were able to draw from their individual backgrounds and apply their strengths as applicable to different areas necessary in organizing a big event like this.

2. How did your team come up with the ideas of the theme this year?

With this year being the 8th year the CUHK MBA Program is hosting this conference, we wanted to make sure we keep the momentum going from the previous years. As most of us were not experts in Hong Kong’s CSR practices, we are pleased to have part-time members joining us, one of whom is currently a full-time CSR consultant in Hong Kong. We came up with the theme 'Success through CSR Innovation' after thorough discussions.

3. What will be the special feature for the CSR conference this year?

We are excited to introduce the new case competition on top of the CSR conferences we had over the past seven years. MBA fellows from outstanding universities compete by proposing groundbreaking business solution for one of the three Swire companies and the three finalists will present at the 8th Annual CSR Conference with judges from Swire Pacific and hundreds of audiences from industry professionals! The objectives are to raise awareness of the importance of CSR to current MBA students through a real world business case while at the same time exchanging ideas with current industry professionals. Last but not least, the winner of the competition will receive the reward of an internship with Swire Pacific to put their ideas into practice.

For information about the Case Competition, please click here to visit the website.

4. Why do you think it is important to have CSR in a firm?

There are many reasons why CSR is important to a company but I believe the general direction of each is towards sustainable growth of the company itself. As any company grows, its impact to the community and environment also increases. For a company to think long-term, it is essential for them to consider these impacts 10 years down the line because it may limit their growth.

5. How supportive of the firms are when you seek for the sponsorship or help in the conference and case competition?

Swire Pacific has spoken at our conference in the past few years. We are especially thankful for their strong support towards our case competition as a new element for this year. They were really supportive and understood the importance of raising CSR awareness amongst the business schools.

In general, most of the companies we approached have been very supportive to our conference. Although not all were able to sponsor us financially, they have offered to support us within their means. For example, Fujixerox has supported us year after year by printing our conference materials.

6. The conference must have involved lots of efforts and time from the committee members. Can you share with us your expectations on the conference?

We are expecting this year's conference to promote more collaboration amongst the current industry professionals as well as the business school students. We are using a new innovative smart networking technology by EventXtra that will allow attendees with similar industry backgrounds to connect through their mobile devices. We are aiming for the topic discussions to continue even after the conference is over to drive new initiatives.
MBA Programs
CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 3943 7782 Fax: (852) 2603 6289