Our faculty is deeply knowledgeable about theories, principles and emerging schools of thought originating from the region and across the globe. Their international exposure and teaching experience facilitate curious and innovative thinking inside the classroom, and inspire further practical learning beyond the campus.
Among the CUHK MBA Programme’s roster of educators are seasoned business professionals from across business disciplines. Experts in their respective fields, industry faculty members complement students’ classroom learning by sharing their own experiences and real-life business challenges, solutions, consequences, and practices.

David Ahlstrom
BA, MPhil. PhD (New York);
MBA (Hawaii)
MBA Course
Leadership Development
Professional Background
- Being named to Clarivate’s list of Highly Cited Researchers, 2017-19
- Recipient of Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2014-2015, CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016
- Being nominated for The Economist magazine’s First worldwide ‘Business Professor of the Year’ award

Kevin Au
Associate Professor
BBA, MPhil (CUHK); PhD (UBC)
MBA Course
Managing Family Business
Professional Background
- Co-founder and Director of CUHK Centre for Entrepreneurship
- Director of CUHK Centre for Family Business
- Former Director of the Hong Kong Business Angel Network Ltd. (HKBAN) and Family Firm Institute (US)
- Former Chairman of the Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices (STEP) Project (Asia Pacific)

Anson Au Yeung
Senior Lecturer
BBA, PhD (CityU)
MBA Course
Financial Management
Professional Background
- Assistant Dean(Undergraduate Studies); Director, Asian Business Studies Programme; Co-director, Integrated BBA Programme
- Main areas of research are corporate finance, capital markets, and international finance
- His paper entitled “Firm Growth Type and Capital Structure Persistence” received the Best Paper Awards at the China International Conference and the NTU International Conference

Thomas Bain
Adjunct Professor
BSc (University of London);
MBA (Columbia)
MBA Course
Money and Capital Markets
Professional Background
- Worked as Assistant Manager at the Central Bank of the Bahamas
- Worked at JPMorgan in New York, London & Tokyo
- Worked as a Managing Director in Fixed Income Sales, Emerging Markets, and Human Resources
- Worked as a Director and Head of Transformation at Barclays Wealth in London
- Now running his own Leadership Advisory business for investment banks in the region
- Has taught continuously in the CUHK MBA Program since 2009 (“Money & Capital Markets”; “Fixed Income Analysis”)
- Received the CUHK Business School Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award 2013/2014

Dominic Chan
Associate Professor Practice in Entrepreneurship
BA, MA, PhD (Cambridge)
MBA Courses
Management: Competencies and Current Perspectives, New Venture Business Project, Management Consulting
Professional Background
- Associate Director, EMBA Programme
- Associate Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship
- Founder of Decisive Consulting Limited
- Co-founder of Dark Horse Investment
- Former Co-CEO of a-connect (China)
- Former Consultant at McKinsey & Company
- Former China General Manager of Englishtown.com (an EF Group company)
- Recipient of the Queen’s Gold Medal for mathematics presented by Queen Elizabeth II

Toa Charm
Associate Professor of Practice in Management
BSc, MBA, DBA, CBIP (TDWI), AI and Big Data Cert. (MIT), MHKCS
MBA Courses
Application of AI in Finance, Strategic Value of Innovation Technology
Professional Background
- Director of Business Development, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business
- Former Senior Management of Cyberport, HSBC, IBM, Oracle, Kingdee and Jardine Pacific
- Advisors for Start-ups, Enterprises and Associations in Innovation and Technology Industry
- Specialising in AI/Big Data, FinTech, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Digital Strategy, Leadership and Transformation

Wilton Chau
Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship
MBA Courses
Financing Technology Commercialization and Entrepreneurship, Managing Innovation & Technology, Venture Capital & Private Equity
Professional Background
- Chairman, Pan-Asia Venture Development Platform
- Founding Chairman of PAVD and Founding Vice Chairman of the Hong Kong Business Angel Network
- Chairman of ICIA and Vice Chairman of the HKBio
- Board of several technology ventures and listed companies including a health care medical operator, Meilleure Health Group

Hongfan(Kevin) Chen
Associate Professor
MBA, PhD (The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business)
MBA Course
Professional Background
- Data Scientist Intern, Airbnb, San Francisco, CA, US
- Applied Scientist Intern, Amazon, Seattle, WA, US
- Student Consultant, Interface, Lagrange, GA, US
- Software Development Intern, ABB Enterprise Software, Atlanta, GA, US
- Supply Chain Analyst Intern, Cox Enterprises, Atlanta, GA, US
- Supply Chain Engineer Intern, Hewlett Packard, Atlanta, GA, US

Joseph Cheng
Associate Professor
BBA, MBA (Simon Fraser);
PhD (Maryland)
MBA Course
Financial Management
Professional Background
- Director, MSc Programme in Finance (Full-time)
- Current member of Investor Education Centre (a subsidiary of Securities and Futures Commission, HKSAR); ExCo Member, Asia Pacific Structured Finance Association
- Served with the Advisory Committee on Human Resources Development in the Financial Services Sector, Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, HKSAR

Jeremy Cheng
BSSc (CUHK), MA (CUHK), IMBA (Distinction) (Wellington), PgDipEd (Bristol), PhD Candidate (CUHK), Fellow (FFI), ACFBA (FFI), ACFWA (FFI), MCIM, CMktr
MBA Course
Professional Background
- Founder, GEN+ Family Business Advisory & Research, advising Asian families and their service providers
- Board member, Family Firm Institute, United States (2023-2027); serving also as its faculty member since 2017
- Former research committee member, Successful Transgenerational Entrepreneurship Practices (STEP) Project
- Author of over 50 industry reports, case studies, practitioner/media articles, book chapters, and journal papers in family business, family office, governance, transgenerational entrepreneurship, and family advisory

Seen-Meng Chew
Associate Professor of Practice in Finance
BSc Economics (LSE);
MPhil Economics (Cambridge);
PhD Economics (U Chicago)
MBA Courses
Current Fintech Trends, C-Suite Dialogue and Communication
Professional Background
- Associate Dean for External Engagement, CUHK Business School
- Former economist at J.P. Morgan, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Morgan Stanley, covering Asia Pacific macroeconomic development
- Former consultant at NERA Economic Consulting in Chicago, advising clients on international pricing strategies

Darwin Choi
Associate Professor
BS Econ, BS Eng (Penn);
PhD (Yale University)
MBA Course
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Professional Background
- Research interests include behavioural finance, mutual funds and hedge funds, climate finance, and labour, focusing on how market conditions and investor psychology influence capital allocations

Tina Choi
Adjunct Associate Professor
MBA Courses
Creating Self-efficacy and Impact on Communication, Design Thinking for Business Innovation
Professional Background
- Has proven track records in managing the top-tier big brands in FMCG and consumer electronics sectors in MNCs including Dyson, Johnson & Johnson, Nestle, Unilever, PepsiCo, and Procter & Gamble
- Facilitated various product launches and business remodeling, such as develop and lead the Mystery Shopper Programme, and the Training, Retail Audit and Compliance Tracking APP development in Dyson, and leading FMCG programmes for skincare products with Mannings and Nielsen

Terence Chong
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Rochester)
MBA Course
China in Global Economy
Professional Background
- Executive Director of Lau Chor Tak Institute of Global Economics and Finance
- Member of the Economic Policy Committee of Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
- Ranks top 37th worldwide in theoretical econometrics, top 1% in terms of number of distinct works and top 5% economists worldwide (RePEc)

Xianchi Dai
Associate Professor
BS (Tianjin U);
MSc (Shanghai Jiao Tong U);
PhD (INSEAD France)
MBA Course
Business Negotiation
Professional Background
- Coordinator, MPhil and PhD in Marketing Programme
- Won research awards including European Association for Decision Making Biennial Best PhD Paper Award (De finetti Award), AMA Summer Conference Best Track Paper Award, INFORMS Decision Analysis Society Best PhD Paper finalist, and CUHK Young Researcher Award
- Research interests are in judgement and decision making, motivation and self-control, intertemporal choices, etc

Mandy Hu
Associate Professor
BA (Fudan University);
MA (Tufts University);
MPhil, PhD (New York)
MBA Course
Digital Marketing
Professional Background
- Director of the Centre for Consumer Insights at CUHK
- Research on using quantitative models to study and explain consumer behavior and using big data in industries such as telecommunication, automobile, e-commerce and FinTech

Junfei Huang
Associate Professor
BS (Jilin);
PhD (Chi Academy of Sciences);
MBA Course
Statistical Analysis
Professional Background
- Research awards include the Uriel G. Rothblum Prize for Excellent Work in Operations Research by the Operations Research Society of Israel and the MSOM Service Management SIG Best Paper Award
- Research interests are in asymptotic analysis and optimal control of queuing systems and their applications in services such as healthcare systems (e.g. emergency departments) and tele-services (e.g. telephone call centres)

Joyce Iun
Professional Consultant
BBA (Hawaii); MBA (East Asia); DBA (PolyU)
MBA Course
Management Decision Making
Professional Background
- Oer twenty-five years of experience in training and human resources management in the PRC, Hong Kong, and Macau
- Worked for public and private organisations including Henderson Land Group, K.Wah Group, Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels, Shanghai American Club, Social Services in Toronto, Macau Management Association, and Tourism Department of Macau SAR Government

Prasanna Karhade
Associate Professor
PhD (Illinois)
MBA Course
FINA6020W FinTech Analytics
Professional Background
- Member, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
- Member, Academy of Management (AoM)

Fred Ku
Senior Lecturer
MBA Course
Statistical Analysis
Professional Background
- Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies); Director of Studies in Undergraduate Studies in Business; Co-director, Integrated BBA Programme
- Provides consultancy services for Trade and Industry Department of Hong Kong
- Contributes to the professional community by conducting professional seminars and training workshops for Education Bureau

Jessica Kwong
BSSc; MPhil; PhD (CUHK)
MBA Course
Behavioral Decision Making
Professional Background
- Chairman, Department of Marketing
- Research interests including human judgments and decision making processes in consumer and organisational contexts
- Recipient of the Young Researcher Award and also a number of teaching awards including the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, and Outstanding Teacher Award

Wendong Li
Associate Professor
BSc; PhD (CAS); PhD (NUS)
MBA Course
Leadership Development
Professional Background
- Won the Hogan Award for Personality and Work Performance, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the International HRM Scholarly Achievement Award and Best Student Convention Paper Award from the Human Resources Division, Academy of Management, as well as the Best Paper Award in the OB Division, Asian Academy of Management
- Research on proactivity across a number of areas, including leadership, work design, and well-being

Luxi Shen
Associate Professor
BS (Fudan); MBA,
PhD (Chicago Booth)
MBA Course
Marketing Management
Professional Background
- Studies judgment and decision making under uncertainty with a focus on risk-seeking behaviours
- Her work has been published in top academic journals, including the Journal of Consumer Research, the Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Psychological Science, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Vincent To Yee Ng
BSc in Computer Science, Simon Fraser University; MMath in Computer Science, University of Waterloo; PhD in Computer Science, Simon Fraser University
MBA Course
Professional Background
- Dr. Vincent Ng has been engaged in many research, teaching/learning, and consultancy projects related to computing and information technology.
- He collaborates with different NGOs to help them in IT training, system development, web designs and development projects, and advisory services.
- In addition to NGOs, he has been working with many government departments in the HKSAR, such as the EMSD, Social Welfare Department, the Immigration Department, the Employment and Manpower Bureau, QEF, SFC, and the Civil Service Training and Development Institute.
- In the past, Dr. Ng has been a member of the in the curriculum development committee of the information technology subject for the senior secondary schools in EDB.
- He has also led a number of projects funded by QEF, BDF and HCPF serving different aspects for local school students.
- For project management, he has played the role of project manager for over 24 years and is the Project Manager for Profiling Diversity of JC Schools Diversity Project since January 2019, He was also responsible for the design and architecting of the Data Management Platform of this project.

Wongsunwai Wan
Associate Professor
Associate Dean
(MBA Programmes)
DBA (Harvard)
MBA Course
Corporate Financial Reporting
Professional Background
- Worked in KPMG in London, PricewaterhouseCoopers and ABN AMRO Bank in Hong Kong
- Ranked by Reuters as one of the top 10 analysts in Hong Kong and China covering software and information technology

Donghui Wu
BA, MA (Xiamen); PhD (CUHK); CICPA
MBA Course
Business Valuation and Analysis
Professional Background
- Director, Centre for Institutions and Governance
- Certified Public Accountant (non-practicing) of China
- Broad research interests in accounting, auditing, and corporate finance, with a special focus on the emerging and transitional economy of China

Wensi Xie
Associate Professor
BS (Zhejiang University); PhD (HKU)
MBA Course
FINA6172W Mergers and Acquisitions
Professional Background
- Research interests include corporate finance, banking and financial institutions, and financial technology and stability.
- Her work has been published in the Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, Economic Journal, and Journal of Law and Economics

Anthony Yang
Associate Professor
BA, MBA (Lancaster), MPhil (Cambridge)
MBA Course
FINA6067W, FINA6222W
Professional Background
- General Manager and Chairman of the Investment Committee at a Chinese sovereign fund
- Senior positions at Fosun Capital/Fosun International Limited (656.HK), Shougang Concord Grand Ltd (730.HK), and Shougang Concord International Ltd (697.HK)

Haibin Yang
BS (Renmin U); MBA (Peking U); PhD (UT Dallas)
MBA Course
Strategic Management
Professional Background
- Research interests include strategic networks, innovation, entrepreneurship, and transition economy
- His research works have appeared in various top-tier management journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Management Science and Journal of Management, etc.

Andrew Yuen
Senior Lecturer
BBA, MPhil (CUHK); MA, PhD (UBC)
MBA Course
Macroeconomics for Business Executives
Professional Background
- Director of Policy and Knowledge Transfer, Aviation Policy and Research Centre at CUHK
- Published academic papers in various international peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Transport Economics Policy, Journal of Air Transport Management, Transport Research Parts A and D, Maritime Policy and Management and Pacific Economic Review

Sean Zhou
BS (Zhejiang U); MOR, PhD (North Carolina State)
MBA Course
Operations Management
Professional Background
- Chairperson, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics; Director, Centre for Supply Chain Management; Director, Centre for Supply Chain Integration and Service Innovation, Shenzhen
- Research area includes supply chain management with particular interests in inventory control, production planning, dynamic pricing, and game theoretic applications. He serves on the editorial board of IIE Transactions and OR Letters