CUHK MBA Africa Study Trip 2017

A group of students went to Zambia in Africa for business field study on “Development of Local Communities with the Impact of Foreign Investments” from Nov 26 to Dec 2, 2017.
By understanding how the ecosystem works and how local entrepreneurs elaborate on improvement of rural economy through face-to-face interactions, students had a valuable learning experience in an emerging market.
In the trip, students were required to prepare and plan sustainable business models for the improvement of health and sanitation in the village Kalabo, which is located at the Western Province of Zambia.
On Day 2, students attended a briefing session about the social entrepreneurship project for this study trip.
Students met the local entrepreneurs in agricultural and industrial sectors to understand their challenges and opportunities through direct observation and interactions. Lectures on the impacts of behavioral change towards sustainable health improvement gave students a lot of valuable insights into developing their project ideas.
The most exciting day for students was about drilling a water point with manual techniques and building a latrine in sandy/flood prone soils. With the first-hand experience, they had an opportunity of discovering the impacts of sustainable water supply and sanitation & water quality on public health.
What Our MBA Student Says for the Africa Study Trip
Sandy WONG (Part-time Year 1 Student):
“It was the first time to visit Africa and connect with the local people that many things were unforgettable and memorable. The business trip would lead me know more about social sustainable enterprises. On behalf of CUHK MBA student, I am aware of responsibilities of social entrepreneurs and would work hard to be well equipped in my MBA journey.”