CUHK MBA Taiwan Study Trip 2017 - MBA Hong Kong - CUHK MBA

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CUHK MBA Taiwan Study Trip 2017

CUHK MBA Taiwan Study Trip 2017 - 1

A group of MBA students traveled to Taiwan for a 6-day business field trip in November to investigate Social Entrepreneurship and Cultural Business Development in Taiwan. During this amazing trip, our students visited a number of companies, organizations and attended lectures by distinguished professors from Taiwan.

The lectures on Creativity & EntrepreneurshipTechnology Development in Taiwan and Case Study on Franz – Globalization Strategy of a Cultural-based Innovation/Product by several professors provided details about local development, insights on global strategy, as well as food for thought on how to become a successful manager and entrepreneur.

At the social entrepreneurship forum held at FJU, our students learnt that CSR can be a strategic tool for risk management. Long-term CSR engagement will help accumulate moral capital which will alleviate the impact of negative events on a firm’s share price. More importantly, corporates can do well by doing good, which is the spirit of B Corporation. Ours students were inspired to “B the Change”: Not only can our business be the best in the world but also the best FOR the world.

Our students saw how creative and sustainable business solutions were developed and implemented through the various company and cultural visits,  e.g. Franz, Taidah Entrepreneurship Center, Victory Potential Development Centre for the Disabled, Wufeng Lin Family Mansion and Garden, Songshan Creative & Cultural Parks and National Palace Museum Gift Shop, etc.

What Our MBA Student Says for the Taiwan Study Trip

Keith CHUA (Full-time Year 1 Student):

“Apart from cultural experience, I gained great insights into how businesses in Taiwan are run successfully, especially cultural/creative businesses and social enterprises. The field trips and guest lectures were very enlightening with real life examples such as how enterprises overcome various local and global challenges in delivering their values to their stakeholders.”

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