CUHK MBA Students Come Third in the AMALGAMATION Business Case Competition - CUHK MBA

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CUHK MBA Students Come Third in the AMALGAMATION Business Case Competition

CUHK MBA Students Come Third in the AMALGAMATION Business Case Competition - 1

“It was a proud moment to represent CUHK Business School and finished third. The feedback, advice and experience sharing from judges and M&A experts are invaluable to my MBA journey and my future career”. – Abhinav Kapoor, Full Time, Class of 2020

AMALGAMATION is Asia’s first business case competition with a focus on mergers and acquisitions (M&A). It is one of the most prestigious student-run events organised by Singapore’s Nanyang Business School, bringing together leading business schools the Asia Pacific region as well as M&A industry leaders.  This year’s competition was held in Singapore between 4th -5th May 2019.

The competing teams analysed a hypothetical case where Microsoft and Google/Youtube plan to acquire Netflix. Each team had to advise Netflix and present to the M&A experts with which company it should partner with. The students needed to not only take valuation and strategies into consideration but also other factors like organisational culture, anti-trust laws, legal and regulatory issues, as well as addressing the potential challenges in the M& A transactions.

It was a great honour to have Professor Ling Cen as Advisor and helped coach the CUHK team throughout the competition.

“The competition provided me with a unique experience to go through the entire M&A deal, where I conducted industrial analysis and valuation under time pressures. I became more confident in M&A practice, especially with data sourcing and in financial modelling.” -Shawn Han, Full Time, Class of 2020

“It was a great learning experience as we got to present in front of M&A experts and then were grilled by them on the finer aspects of the M&A deal. We also got to network and interact with these experts to discuss our potential areas of improvement and learn more about the future of M&A and investment industry going forward.”  – Akshay Madan – Full Time, Class of 2020


Case competitions are not only great platforms for MBA students to challenge themselves in an international context where they can gain relevant exposure and learn from their counterparts but also an essential co-curricular component throughout their MBA journey.

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