Cross Culture Awareness Event 2016 by CUHK MBA Global Career Club - CUHK MBA

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Cross Culture Awareness Event 2016 by CUHK MBA Global Career Club

Cross Culture Awareness Event 2016 by CUHK MBA Global Career Club - 1

On December 19, Global Career Club organized a “cross-cultural awareness event” and invited two keynote speakers to share with our current MBA students.

We are honored to have Ms. Cass Cheung, HR lead at Accenture, to introduce and explain the overall aspects of working in an international environment/company with different cultures and habits. Besides illustrating valuable examples out of her own experience, she also shared a lot of interesting insights into various countries, their behavioral stereotypes and potentially occurring conflicts/misunderstandings at the working place due to those differences.

We also invited Ms. Dorothy Chan, the regional Head of Talent Development at BASF. She not only introduced her company, a leading chemicals company with HQ in Germany, but also added to the previous speaker about examples of working in a foreign MNC and some difficulties for Chinese employees in Germany, and vice-versa.

One thing that both speakers pointed out in common is other than the illustrated stereotypes, there is always a personal level which should be considered in interactions between different cultures.

Global Career Club is a student association formed by both Full-time and part-time MBA students at CUHK, they aim to assist students to choose a successful career path through creating opportunities and awareness about career options available.

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