CUHK MBA 10th CSR Conference

CUHK MBA CSR Conference is a student-led event and has become one of the leading CSR initiatives in Asia. It has come to a successful end on May 20 in Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
In this special 10th anniversary edition, we have themed the Conference with “CSR as our DNA” and invited distinguished leaders in the industry as our honored speakers.
Prof. Federick Ma, GBS, JP, Chairman of MTR Corporation Limited
Ms. Pru Bennett, Head of Corporate Governance and Responsible Investment (CGRI) Team, Asia Pacific BlackRock
Dr. Joseph Lee, GBS, OSTJ, JP, President of Wofoo Social Enterprises
Ms. Quin SQ Thong, Hope Officer at Ana by Karma
Dr. Chong Wey Lin, Founder of OurCityLove Social Enterprise Taiwan
Ms. Florence Hui, SBS, JP, Under Secretary for Home Affairs, HKSAR Government
The Conference focused on the possibility of maximizing the current and future scope of CSR practices in Asia with global perspective. We greeted over 300 attendees and exchanged the latest CSR industry development and knowledge.
Panel Discussion: From Communicating CSR to Value creation
Panel Discussion: How CSR Is Integrated with Companies’ Strategy and Stakeholders
Questions from the floor
CUHK MBA Programs wish to express our gratitude to the following companies who, through their generosity, have helped to make this conference possible:
Diamond Sponsor
A.S. Watson Group
Platinum Sponsor and Official PR Partner
Wonderful Sky Financial Group
Gold Sponsors
CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
Fuji Xerox (Hong Kong) Limited
The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Johnson Electric
MTR Corporation Limited
The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited
Wofoo Social Enterprises
Strategic Partner
Ernst & Young Global Limited
Exclusive Chinese Media Partner
Promotion Partner
Bamboos Professional Nursing Services Limited
The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
CSR Asia
Education Post
Hans Andersen Club
Hong Kong Federation of Business Students
The Hong Kong Social Enterprise Incubation Centre
Hong Kong Shared Good Values
ICTI CARE Foundation
Video Recap:
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