Events held by CUHK MBA Chinese Language and Culture Club

The CUHK MBA Chinese Language and Culture Club is a student-driven club that aims to promote Chinese Language and Culture. Lately, they had organized two fascinating activities that increased the Chinese language knowledge of our MBA students and also celebrated the traditional Chinese “Mid-Autumn” festival together.
On September 16, our students gathered and experienced the “Mid-Autumn” festival together, this is the first formal event of the Chinese Language and Culture Club. The idea was to introduce a part of the Chinese Culture. One the day, students tasted different Mooncakes, which is a must-do on Mid-Autumn Festival. Several students also shared their knowledge on traditions of the Festival.
The “Language Buddy Event” held on the October 4th was also a highlight event for the club in 2016. After collecting student’s language preferences, the club provided a list with ideas for language buddies. This list was then distributed to our students and the event served as an official possibility for them to meet their language partner. Students were also encouraged to think about their future learning goals and objectives. The event was held in the Si Yuan Amenities Centre, United College.