Insight of Sports Marketing by Sports and Entertainment Business Club - CUHK MBA

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Insight of Sports Marketing by Sports and Entertainment Business Club

Insight of Sports Marketing by Sports and Entertainment Business Club - 1

The CUHK MBA Sports and Entertainment Business Club is a student led organization that aim to benefit MBA students by offering a board range of activities relating to sports and entertainment. Recently, they organized two talks about sports marketing on October 17 and November 7 respectively. Students that joined the event gain insightful information on Sports marketing.

On October 17, Ron Lee, the Director of Marketing and Development Hong Kong Sports Institute, shared his “Insight of Sports Marketing Challenges and Opportunities”. Based on his spectacular sports business career, Ron defined sports marketing as the application of marketing principles and process to sports products and to the marketing of non-sports products through association with sports. He also explained how it differs from general marketing, with practical examples. Students also discussed sports business market in US and Europe with Ron and concluded that the market is truly huge and are expected to grow further by collaborating with new technologies such as Virtual reality.

Our Distinguished speaker Bernard Yu, the Finance Manager of NBA ASIA PACIFIC also shared with us “the strategy of a dream job” on November 7. He started his career as a banker and went on to pursue his dream job, in NBA Asia pacific. He introduced about the organisation and discussed with our students how is the marketing strategy in Asia region different comparing to the headquarter in the US. Nowadays, the population of NBA fans are increasing rapidly. Bernard said targeting NBA fans from Asia countries is the key driver for promotion, they focused on young generations in Asia and expect an increasing number of new Asian players playing in the NBA soon.

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