MBA Cultural and Technology Club Xian Trip

As the MBA students stepped foot onto the ancient land of Xian, they were instantly captivated by the vibrant tapestry of history, culture, and technological marvels that awaited them. The air was thick with anticipation as they entered the city’s majestic gates, surrounded by the echoes of the past and the whispers of innovation. The expedition to Xian was led by the MBA Cultural and Technology Club which provided a unique opportunity to explore the realm of cultural innovation and technology. Visits to prominent companies, such as Digital Light-Year and EverBright City Operations Company, exposed the students to cutting-edge technologies and inspired their innovative thinking. This immersive experience broadened their horizons, ignited their passion for the cultural technology industry, and empowered them to contribute to its advancement. The Xian Trip served as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, leaving a lasting impact on the participants and fostering an innovation-driven mindset within the MBA community.