MBA Students Get Inspired by Outstanding CEOs from the “Dine With CEOs” Series

There is no better way to get to know and learn from real-life CEOs than to dine with them! The “Dine with CEOs” series was held between March and April where 4 prominent CEOs were invited to dine with our MBA students. The privileged few got exceptional opportunities to meet and dine with Ms Cally Chan, General Manager of Microsoft Hong Kong, Dr Anna Yip, CEO at SmarTone Communications, Mr Paul Chan GBM, GBS, MH, JP, Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government and Mr Albert Ng, Chairman, Greater China at EY on separate occasions. It was an awesome learning experience for our students as they gained valuable insights from these successful alumni through conducive sharing of their career journey and views on a range of topics.
What do our Class of 2020 students have to say?
“The event brought us closer to the industry elites and what’s important is that we learnt the attitude of sharing.” (Wendy Gu, Full-Time)
“Really enjoyed the sharing by experienced business leaders and interacting with them in a relaxing atmosphere. Also a great opportunity for full-time and part-time students to network and mingle.” (Joanna Fu, Part-Time)
” It’s probably a once in a lifetime experience for me to have lunch together with a high profile CEO, very inspiring and encouraging!” (Jason Zhao, Full-Time)