MBA Students Meet Their New Mentors at EMP Kick-off Dinner

The highly anticipated annual kick-off event for the Elite Mentorship Program (EMP) was held on 6 October in the ballroom of The Langham Hong Kong in Tsimshatsui. The evening started with a cocktail reception in the foyer, and then the guests sat down for a delightful dinner where MBA students were introduced to their mentors for the new academic year. Organized by the MBA Career Management Center, the event was well attended, with over 100 participants.
Prof. Kalok Chan, Dean of the CUHK Business School, opened the event, welcoming all the guests. “I hope you will all make the most of the EMP, and learn from the knowledge and expertise of your mentors. Take this opportunity to get to know each other, as the dinner tonight marks the beginning of a long friendship,” he told the students. This was followed by a thank-you speech from Ms. Antoinette Bailey, President of the MBA Student Association, in which she showed her appreciation for the way the EMP connects experts from various backgrounds. “When I enrolled in the program, I was thrilled to hear about the benefits of the EMP!”
The guests raised their glasses for a toast, led by Ms. Stephanie Villemagne, the new Associate Dean (Graduate Programs) and Director of MBA Programs of the CUHK Business School. Ms. Villemagne expressed her gratitude for the continuing support of the mentors, who come from different industries and professions. “I am new to the Business School and it is my first time to attend this event. I would like to thank our mentors, new and old, for their selfless dedication over the years. You have all made the EMP a distinguishing feature of our full-time MBA Program.”
Established in 2003, the EMP recruits senior MBA alumni to act as elite mentors, providing valuable advice and guidance for full-time MBA students in their personal and professional development. This year, 47 alumni will serve as mentors to 63 students, assigned by a careful process of matching fields of study and career aspirations.
MBA students meet their mentors for the first time at the EMP kick-off dinner
This article was first published in the website of Alumni and Corporate Affairs Office, CUHK Business School on Oct 17, 2016.