Pre-term “Management: Competencies and Current Perspectives” course

Elon Musk once famously compared starting a company to “staring into the abyss and eating glass.” The abyss represents the challenging reality that 90% of startups fail, creating a sense of stress and uncertainty. Eating glass symbolizes the need to tackle the difficult and often unglamorous problems that a company faces, instead of solely focusing on the areas that personally interest us. During our intensive two-day Pre-Term, our MBA students embraced both the pain and the rewards of pitching and developing new ventures, demonstrating their resilience and determination in the face of entrepreneurial challenges.
The Pre-Term, a fundamental part of our “Management: Competencies and Current Perspectives” course, provided our freshers with a unique opportunity to delve into the essential skills and knowledge required for their future endeavors. Guided by MBA professors Prof. Wan Wongsunwai, Prof. Dominic Chan, Prof. Luxi Shen, and Prof. Lisa C. Wan, our students were exposed to invaluable insights and current perspectives that will shape their path to success.
To our MBA freshers, congratulations on successfully completing the Pre-Term! Your unwavering enthusiasm, resilience, and pursuit of excellence will undoubtedly lead you to great heights. We are excited to accompany you on this transformative journey and witness the remarkable accomplishments that lie ahead.