Interim Employment Update – Class of 2015 - CUHK MBA

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Interim Employment Update – Class of 2015

Interim Employment Update – CUHK MBA Class of 2015

Early update of employment progress of CUHK MBA Class of 2015 – We are pleased to share some early updates on the whereabouts of our CUHK MBA global talents, Class of 2015. The up-to-date employment rate is up to 76%, which indicates a 10% increase when compared with last year.

It is encouraging that 87% of the employed are staying in Asia including Hong Kong, China, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and India), of which 54% are in Hong Kong.

In terms of industry distribution, Banking/ Finance (32%), Technology (17%) and Consulting (13%) are the 3 leading sectors for our graduates.

Partial Employer List – Class of 2015:

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