MBA Student Excels at the HPAIR Impact Challenge - CUHK MBA

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MBA Student Excels at the HPAIR Impact Challenge

MBA Student Excels at the HPAIR Impact Challenge - 1

MBA student Siddarth Maheshwari and his team won third place in the ‘Expansion and Marketing Impact Challenge’ at ‘The Harvard College Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR)’ which was held from 15th -18th February, 2019.

HPAIR is a recognised student organisation at the Harvard College which offers a forum of exchange to facilitate discussions on the most critical economic, political and social issues relevant to the Asia Pacific region. Each year, international students from top universities, renowned academics, business professionals and political leaders gather together at this event. Siddharth was one of the 300 delegates, selected among the thousands of applicants to participate in the HPAIR conference.

The Marketing and Expansion Challenge is a business and strategy competition which requires a critical examination of an existing business and charting of a cohesive expansion plan that includes significant marketing analysis. Each participating team is expected to assume the role of a consultant to craft an attractive marketing proposal and to impress a panel of advisors with their most effective expansion results.


What Siddarth has to say:

“Attending HPAIR was an intense and amazing experience, and I am fortunate enough for getting this once in a lifetime opportunity. In those four days, not only did I meet the brilliant delegates coming from different part of the world and understood their cultural and academic excellence, but also I got a chance to interact with eminent speakers and a welcoming HPAIR committee. I want to thank CUHK and the HPAIR organisers for letting me be a part of it, and I highly recommend today’s young leaders to join the community.”

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