Why I Chose Asia Over The US And Europe For My MBA, At CUHK - CUHK MBA

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Why I Chose Asia Over The US And Europe For My MBA, At CUHK

Why I Chose Asia Over The US And Europe For My MBA, At CUHK

Media Coverage by BusinessBecause:

India is home to the third largest group of GMAT-sitters behind the US and China. And Indians are increasingly looking to MBA programs within Asia over courses in Europe and the US.

“Asia is becoming the global economic powerhouse, and Hong Kong is its de facto financial center, making it the perfect location for an MBA student”, says Varun Magoon, an MBA student at Hong Kong’s CUHK Business School.

Part of a burgeoning generation of Indian MBAs, Varun is laying solid foundations for a career in Asia. He boasts a wealth of experience in technical and consulting roles, having worked as an engineer for The Toyota Group and a strategy consultant for KPMG.

For Varun, CUHK was the perfect option, a top Asian school recommended to him by several successful Indian alumni. And he also secured the CUHK MBA Excellence Scholarship.

Why did you decide to do an MBA at CUHK?

I’m an engineer by profession, but I wanted to progress into management consulting and corporate leadership roles.

I also knew that I wanted to continue working in Asia after my MBA, and the one-year format at CUHK was very appealing, considering most Indian and American programs are two years long.

CUHK also offered me the opportunity to study an extra four months abroad after that year, which I’m looking forward to. Finally, Hong Kong offers many leadership development programs, which I hope to secure a place on.

What should prospective applicants take into account when deciding on an MBA?

You really need to take a step back and consider why you personally want to pursue an MBA. The best strategy is to consider where you want to be five years from now with regards to location, industry and role, and choose the program most likely to help you realize those dreams.

In my opinion, the alumni network is really important for applicants as well. You’re buying into an exclusive club with an MBA, so you want to make sure it’s the best one possible. Finally, especially if you didn’t grow up abroad, you should make the effort to connect with as many international students on your course as possible.

Do you feel that your KPMG consulting experience aided your application?

Most certainly. Having come from an engineering background, being able to work on corporate strategy and liaising with clients was very useful, as it prepared me for various aspects of the MBA and ensured that I had a better cross-section of work experience.

On balance, I think the experience I gained was more important than the KPMG brand name was, but I can’t deny that it looks good on a CV.

How has your scholarship at CUHK benefited you?

The scholarship covers 30% of my tuition fee and is bestowed on the basis of academic performance, professional and personal accomplishments, and international working experience.

Any MBA is a huge investment, so my scholarship does a great deal in easing the financial burden on my shoulders. However, I also consider it a confidence boost, as recognition for my previous achievements has made me feel more valued by the school.

How have you gained from your MBA experience so far?

At CUHK, our faculty was largely international. Learning about financial markets from an American, operations management from a Greek, and so on, gave me a well-rounded view of global business.

My class was very international as well, so I learned a great deal from their perspectives. I also had the amazing opportunity to participate in a case competition at SDA Bocconi through CUHK, in which I competed with top MBA students from other schools, and was able to put what theory I had learned into practice.

What is the highlight of your CUHK MBA experience so far?

At the end of the CUHK MBA, you’re offered the opportunity to work as an external consultant for a partner company here in Hong Kong.

They call this module a ‘live project’, and I chose to do mine with IDG Capital Partners. It’s been a great opportunity for me because I’ve made some excellent contacts, and one of their executives is a CUHK alumnus. I’ve gained a comprehensive overview of private equity and venture capital, and I’ve learned a lot about business valuation.

It’s a fantastic opportunity that I’d recommend to anyone studying at CUHK.

What are your plans for the future?

Straight after finishing my studies at CUHK, I’m heading to America for four months to complete my MBA at The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, with a focus on strategy and operations over the term.

Apart from that, I’m doing an internship this summer with Gap Inc. in Hong Kong, which I hope will result in a place on their two-year MBA rotational leadership development program.

Media: BusinessBecause.com
Section: News/ MBA Hong Kong
Date published: Jun 29, 2016


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