I used to work in a Chinese bank as a credit analyst, specializing in due diligence, loan assessment and risk management. During my MBA study, I wished to switch my career track from external loan approval to internal risk management in a financial institution. To narrow my gap in career switch, I chose the concentration of fintech which equipped me with comprehensive financial knowledge and entrepreneurial practice of fintech. I was given insights into business which driven my competitiveness in job hunting. Thankfully, I have received lots of useful career and interview advices from career team. In the end, I successfully got an offer from KPMG Advisory as a consultant in financial risk management.
In short, personal positioning is essential. Although MBA students have profound working experience, an internship may be vital if you are pursuing a completely different job transformation. If you wish to switch your career track in the same or similar industry, working experiences and relevant qualification will give you an advantage in job hunting. I believe that the CUHK MBA programmes and Career team can help you to pursue a career path that could endorse your quality and professionalism.
WANG Harvey
Full-time Class of 2022